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Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Wie bereits in unserem Blogartikel vom 19. März 2024 erwähnt (Link), umfasst das Geistige Eigentum mehr als...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
As we already noted in our blog article of 19 March 2024 (link), intellectual property covers more than "just" trademarks. A design is particularly recommendable if the external...
Im heutigen Rechtspanorama thematisiert RAK Vize-Präsidentin Mag. Bettina Knoetzl die oft viel zu lange Verfahrensdauer in Wirtschaftsstrafsachen.
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
In April 2024, the Austrian government presented a draft of the Grace-Period-Act aimed at assisting family businesses and SMEs in the event of a business transfer within the family.
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Die Kraftstoffverordnung 2012 (KVO 2012) unterwirft Personen, die fossile Kraftstoffe für den Straßenverkehr in Verkehr bringen, einer Substitutions- und Treibhausgas...
Transparenz und Kontrolle wirken präventiv, betonte Bettina Knötzl in ihrer Funktion als Präsidentin des Beirats von Transparency International Österreich diese Woche im Interview mit
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Amendments to the Employment Contract Adjustment Act (Arbeitsvertragsrechtsanpassungsgesetz - AVRAG) and the General Civil Code...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Shapes can function as a clue to identify the source and differentiate between products of different companies. While browsing a store shelf, consumers often identify...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Im Rahmen der Entwicklung oder Weiterentwicklung eines Produkts, einschließlich der Markenentwicklung, wird viel Zeit und Geld investiert...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
When developing or refining a product, including its branding, a lot of time and money are invested in creating something unique that customers will need and love.
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
We, Andreas and Niklas, participated in this years' Skinnovation conference from 13 to 15 March. The conference combined skiing and entrepreneurship...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Austria's healthcare system got a long-anticipated makeover. After years of small-scale adjustments, a collective amendment – the "Vereinbarungsumsetzungsgesetz 2024"...
European Union
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Climate change litigation has been making waves, with companies and states facing legal challenges related to their environmental impact.
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
OpenAI, revered for its cutting-edge technology and leadership in the field of AI, unveiled "Sora", a groundbreaking text-to-video generator, just a few weeks ago.
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
In recent weeks, a new EU regulation, the so-called Digital Services Act, has come into force (the "DSA"). The DSA applies to intermediary services...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
Following heated debates among various political stakeholders and unprecedented back and forth, the EU Council ultimately endorsed a final compromise text...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
The publication of designs prior to filing for EU-wide protection can lead to invalidity. A sneaker design by Puma was declared invalid due to its prior publication...
Schoenherr Attorneys at Law
After lengthy negotiations, the European Parliament finally approved the AI Act on 13 March 2024. The adoption of the regulation is a milestone event that all EU...
Der russische Angriffskrieg gegen die Ukraine führte zu einer starken Zunahme von streitigen Verfahren mit Russlandbezug...
Identify your talents, set reasonable but ambitious goals, work hard and have fun!" These inspiring words from Bettina Knoetzl capture the essence of her contribution...
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