Charles A. De Monaco was featured in The Wall Street Journal article, "The Morning Risk Report: Compliance Expert Could Bring Corporate Help." Full text can be found in the November 3, 2015, issue, but a synopsis is below.

A new compliance expert is expected to start work for the Justice Department which may indicate that companies will receive more "consistency from the government and compliance officers may get a measure of protection."

According to Charles De Monaco, the agency's new compliance expert will judge companies in in criminal matters with specific metrics which will create a checklist making it easier for them to argue for leniency and negotiation.

"You would want the government to investigate that anyway," said De Monaco.

He continues by mentioning that companies with a strong compliance programs or having a person tasked to compliance and specific metrics will make things more consistent for businesses that are in need of receiving credit for their compliance. If companies do well "they can argue why there should be a mitigating factor against them."

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