With the EU Whistleblower Protection Directive coming into force in December 2021, what are the attitudes to whistleblowing in Europe and how ready are organisations to comply with the new rules? Do they have the right processes and reporting channels in place to cultivate a positive whistleblowing culture? What role can technology play in increasing efficiency and security surrounding whistleblowing?

WhistleB parent company NAVEX Global has surveyed 2,250 people across nine European countries to understand the cultural perceptions and opinions about workplace whistleblowing and to answer some of the most common questions: 

  • How does the level of readiness for the EU Directive vary across different countries?
  • Is the C-suite confidence in their readiness to protect whistleblowers justified?
  • Should whistleblowers be financially rewarded?
  • How confident are European professionals that the EU Directive will protect them against retaliation?
  • What does your organisation's attitude towards whistleblowing reveal about its culture?
  • How is whistleblowing changing in the era of working from home?

To download your free copy of the report Whistleblowing in Europe click here: https://bit.ly/3rOqGIA

Originally Published 04 January 2022

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.