From policy to patients and everything in-between, the health care industry is constantly evolving. Check out this discussion with Eric Tower and Dr. Lee Sacks regarding the shifts in society to understand where health care is headed. The pair addresses the concerns that employers are anticipating related to cost and the unsustainable losses that hospitals are facing. Note: This event was hosted in Chicago on September 29, 2022, by the Thompson Coburn Health Care Group.

Here are some highlights from Eric's discussion with Lee:

  • Megatrends that will shape the future: labor, robotic assistance, hypertension, access, telemedicine, and end of life care
  • The impact of higher interest rates on the industry
  • The collapse of many innovative (but unprofitable) companies
  • Hospitals and health care systems will focus on profitable services
  • The role of government in driving necessary changes

About the speaker

Dr. Lee Sacks is the person who many in the health care industry consider the father of pop health. Lee was ranked as Modern Healthcare's 2018 ranking of the 50 Most Influential Physicians in Healthcare before he retired as the Chief Medical Officer of Advocate Aurora Health. By training, Lee is a family physician but eventually transitioned into administration. During his robust career, he has held the titles of Executive Vice President and CEO.

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