Yesterday, the House passed the latest in the series of limited funding bills, voting to fund the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) at post-sequestration levels. This resolution was approved by a vote of 235-162.

It was also reported yesterday that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may begin recalling some of its employees to work. CDC has been operating with 32 percent of its staff for the last week. This announcement comes after the FDA issued a public health alert regarding a salmonella outbreak on the West Coast.

A week into the federal government shutdown, the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll finds that 51% Americans disapprove of how President Obama is handling the budget negotiations while 45% approve, a slight improvement from the last week in September (41% approve to 50% disapprove). Americans also overwhelmingly disapprove of how both Congressional Democrats (61% disapprove) and Republicans (70% disapprove) are handling the negotiations.

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