Multiple news sources reported today that the DEA will be recommending rescheduling cannabis to a Schedule III drug. The recommendation will then lead to a public comment period and then a Final Rule will be issued, so the actual reclassification of cannabis is months away. However, as with recent moves toward rescheduling, such as the HHS recommendation and President Biden's directive to study whether to reschedule, today's news and the forthcoming recommendation will boost the cannabis market, as operators and investors look forward to a better performing industry resulting from the reclassification. The actual reclassification will have an immediate impact on operator profitability, as IRS Code 280E, which prevents cannabis operators from deducting normal business expenses, will no longer apply to cannabis businesses. This is just one of the very significant changes to the industry that will spur more capital and more growth. Banks and other sources of capital that have been reluctant to enter the space may finally get off the sidelines and join the game, which would obviously be the shot in the arm the industry has needed for some time.

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