Starting July 1, 1996 all 860 goods subject to certification in Slovakia must be marked with a Slovak certificate. There will be 3 types of certificates graded for quality. The producer or the importer will be responsible for the marking.

Fines for breaking the rule are a minimum of Sk 100,000 + 10% of sales.

The EU and Slovakia do not have an agreement regarding mutual acceptance of the certificates. The SR does not accept Czech certificates; however, it accepts the results of the Czech Test Office as a base for providing goods with Slovak certificates.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.

For further information contact Richard Fletcher, Arthur Andersen, Prague tel + 00 422 2440 1301 or enter a text search 'Arthur Andersen' and 'Business Monitor'.