As part of the National Prescription Drug Utilization Information System (NPDUIS) initiative, the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board (PMPRB) has released three reports:

  1. Market Intelligence Report: Combination Inhalers for Asthma, 2018: This report analyzes the market for inhaled corticosteroid and long-acting beta agonist combination inhalers used in the treatment of asthma, the most chronic respiratory disease in Canada. The report centres on 2018, and analyzes the use, pricing and market share of these medicines, in Canadian markets and places them in an international context
  2. Biologics in Canada, 2018: Part 1: Market Trends, 2018 examines the Canadian market for biologics, with a comparison to international trends in sales, pricing and biosimilar uptake. Part 2: Biosimilar Savings, 2018 uses trends in Canada and internationally to examine cost savings that could be realized through increasing the uptake and/or lowering the prices of biosimilars in Canada.
  3. Meds Pipeline Monitor, 2019: This report, released on April 21, 2020, is "a horizon scanning report that features a selection of new medicines in the late stages of clinical evaluation that may have a significant impact on future clinical practice and drug spending in Canada" (see news release).

Originally published 29 May, 2020

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