On January 7, 2022, the provincial health officer announced an order requiring employers to re-activate their COVID-19 Safety Plans.

This order replaces the previous requirement for employers to have a Communicable Disease Previous Plan in their workplace. Employers should take note that, although both plans share many of the same fundamental principles, a COVID-19 Safety Plan is a formal, written plan that must be posted on your workplace's website (if you have one) and must be provided to a health officer or a WorkSafeBC officer upon request.

Additionally, as opposed to a Communicable Disease Prevention Plan, an employer's COVID-19 Safety Plan must include specific controls such as:

  • a limit on the number of workers and customers in the workplace;
  • social distancing measures; and
  • use of barriers and directional arrows.

Check out WorkSafeBC's website for an updated copy of its template COVID-19 Safety Plan, industry specific information, and further updates.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.