Walkers, in conjunction with the Irish MiFID Industry Association, hosted the webinar "Getting SEARious – Planning for the Incoming Individual Accountability Regime".

This briefing opened with an introduction from IMIA Chairman, Ronan Gahan and Walkers Regulatory Partner, Eoin O Connor. During the webinar, Sara Hall, Regulatory Partner from Walkers' London office, provided practical insight from implementation of the UK FCA's Senior Managers and Certification Regime in recent years and Susan Battye, Employment Partner, advised on the steps employers should be taking now in anticipation of the implementation of this regime. Tying in with this topic is Fitness & Probity, and Regulatory Partner Niall Esler presented on the Central Bank's recent Dear CEO letter on Fitness and Probity. The briefing was followed by Q&A and discussion.

To watch the webinar, please click here.