Cleveland Associate Thomas I. Moran, CIPP/US, recently participated in an interview for a Shop Talk presentation, which was sponsored by cyber counterintelligence firm SpearTip, LLC and presented at Advisen's Cyber Risk Insights Conference. During the interview, Tom discussed the role of a breach coach and legal team following a cyber incident.

As the interview began, Tom characterized the role of a breach coach as that of a "quarterback." He explained that retaining an attorney to serve in this role provides significant benefits to clients who have been the victim of a cyber breach, including (1) facilitating communication among all parties, (2) providing the cover of privilege to the entire forensics investigation, thereby allowing more transparency in communications and ultimately shielding a client from liability, and (3) providing stability and calm while ensuring that all parties are doing their part to get the client back up and running.

You can access the full interview here.