
This year's election day will have widespread repercussions, including on the regulation and enforcement of cybersecurity and privacy. The coming administration may address issues differently from the last one, even if the President does not change. Election day in California will have direct effects on privacy because of the presence of the Privacy Rights Act on the ballot. Please join our team of cybersecurity and legislative experts to assess the results from November 3rd and consider how they may affect cybersecurity and privacy in the coming years.

This webinar is approved for 1.2 hours general CLE credit in Missouri and 1.0 hour general CLE credit in California and Illinois. 1.0 hour general CLE credit in Texas is pending.


Libby Casale
Ken Salomon
James Shreve
Luke Sosnicki

Tuesday, November 10, 2020
Registration: Begins at 1:00 AM
Begins at 12:00 PM Central Time