ISDA issued a set of guidelines intended to explain, for purposes of use in contractual technology solutions, core principles and terms used in the ISDA Master Agreement. The paper, among other things:

  • summarizes the central elements of the ISDA Master Agreement; and
  • sets forth considerations for technology developers relating to the various types of events that may occur under the ISDA Master Agreement, and how the occurrence of an event might impact their product, platform or solution.

The paper is the second in a series. As previously covered, ISDA's first paper identified several contractual and documentation issues that are relevant to market participants looking to "implement new platforms, products and solutions."

Commentary / Nihal Patel

While generally aimed at assisting technology developers, the paper also serves as a good general introduction to the ISDA Master Agreement, its use, its purposes and its key terms.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.