Term Sheet Template: What Entrepreneurs Should Include
Term sheets are where the real action happens in most VC financings. Knowing the mechanics backwards-and-forwards can make all the difference. Forbes provides a guide to getting term sheets right (or at least knowing them better). You can also check out all the term sheet info we have here on the site.

$1 to $1 Billion: A 4-Stage Formula for Company Growth
For those secret mathletes that want a formula to success, Entrepreneur explains the way to grow your Company 1x10^9x. Only one way to prove whether this formula really works—try it out.

Why Pitching Your Product Is Not Enough For Investors
Hint: it's the difference between "what" you're selling and "why" anyone would buy it. There are plenty of beautifully designed products in search for a problem to solve and some much more successful okay products fixing real pain-points.

Go Midwest, young fintechs
New York is the center of the universe for finance and a hub for fintech innovation, but now fintech companies are looking west of NYC (no, not Hoboken) for new opportunities.

Links compiled by Bill Warren.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.