A hot topic in senior housing over the past few years has been how Baby Boomers are going to affect the senior housing market. It's clear that the sheer number of Baby Boomers who will be needing senior housing assistance in the near future will affect the market. A less obvious change Baby Boomers and their needs will make to the senior housing market is through the technology that Baby Boomers will require.

There is more technology available to Baby Boomers than was available to any generation before them, and Baby Boomers are utilizing this technology in their daily lives, which means they will expect to have access to such technology in a senior housing facility. Senior housing facilities will have to adapt to the needs of the tech-savvy Baby Boomers, and one such technological adjustment is the use of ride-sharing programs, such as Lyft, that Baby Boomers have learned to use and rely on.

Ride-sharing programs have a wide application in the senior living housing market. They offer a comfortable and convenient way for people who are no longer able to drive to get from place to place, and are almost as ubiquitous in suburban areas as they are in large urban centers. The freedom that ride-sharing programs offer seniors for recreational use will change the way seniors approach recreation in senior housing communities. Also, a new partnership between Allscripts, a healthcare information technology firm, and Lyft, a ride-sharing company, demonstrates another way that ride-sharing programs can be important for seniors – they allow seniors to attend doctor's appointments without having to worry about scheduling rides in advance.

Importantly, though, ride-sharing programs allow seniors to get from place to place safely. Ride-sharing programs such as Lyft are booked and paid for through a mobile devise. In addition to being convenient, this feature also allows third parties to track a passenger's trip. This feature is important for the senior housing context, as it allows employees of senior housing communities to keep track of residents, making ride-sharing programs a safer alternative to traditional taxis or shuttles.

Senior housing communities should be on the lookout for technology that is going to make the lives of its residents safer, more convenient, and more fun, and being prepared for residents to use ride-sharing programs is a step in that direction.

Source Article:

https://seniorhousingnews.com/2018/03/12/tech-beat-new-lyft-partnership-1-2-billion-ability-acquisition/?_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_Ieq1LXwdRG6VeTRrI4DmkSJHpr7jAw3rgsT7WAc0yuIWrtI1Img9lmtrz111V6x078Y5my74lIJOA3Sk _e5_dHlMvTTLMaw0VfVrPbxvpeWmqUkY&_hsmi=61300838

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