This weekly series provides brief summaries to help you stay in the know on how 340B cases are developing across the country. Each week we comb through the dockets on more than 40 340B cases to provide you with a quick summary of relevant updates from the prior week in this industry-shaping body of litigation.

Issues at Stake: Medicare Payment Cuts; Other

Where Things Stand:

  • The district court judge in a state law case has ordered the 340B covered entity plaintiff to show cause explaining why this action should not be dismissed for lack of prosecution.
  • Three Medicare payment cut cases have been reassigned to the district court judge handling most other Medicare payment cut cases.

Get more details on these 340B cases with the 340B Litigation Tracker, a subscription product from McDermott+Consulting.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.