On June 3 we took part in the seminar entitled "Beyond Paper", organized by the PhD Program in Biology and Applied Ecology, Universidad Catolica del Norte and Universidad La Serena, Coquimbo Region, Chile and Transfer Office and Licensing (OTL-UCN) of the Catholic University of Northern Chile.

The objective of the seminar was to disseminate the various options that allow a researcher to transform the results of a scientific project in technological applications, innovation and new businesses; to publicize the instances present in Chile that allow graduate students and researchers generating ventures from the results of applied research projects and linking research to the needs of the productive sector.

The seminar is aimed at professionals, graduate students interested in the formulation and implementation of projects of applied science, technology and innovation, as well as the creation of businesses in this area.

The lecture entitled "The challenge of innovation and the importance of knowing the different tools to protect", consisted of a brief summary of what is intellectual property, which its branches are and what is the importance for the country's development. In addition, it was defined what the copyright is, what a brand is, what a patent is, how and where these rights are protected, plus examples of utility models, industrial designs, plant varieties, geographical indications and designations of origin were given and business secrets.

Through practical examples and actual cases of copyright, trademarks and patents, the importance of knowing and protecting these rights and what may be the consequence of not doing so was exposed.

Clarke, Modet & Co - CHILE

Santiago de Chile
Huérfanos, 835, piso 10
Tel: +562 2433 6830
Email: info@clarkemodet.cl

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.