The Minister for Housing and Planning has launched two new initiatives to enhance co-ordination and oversight of the planning system.

The first of these is, a free planning information system for the public on the details of all of the 400+ development plans and local area plans across the country.

The second is the report of the Regional Authorities (Border, Dublin, Mid-East, Midland, Mid-West, South-East, South-West and West) on the implementation of 2010 Regional Planning Guidelines (RPGs), a copy of which is available to download here

Regional Authorities now have an important role within the process of preparing and varying local authority Development Plans and ensuring proper oversight of the alignment of the Plans at national, regional and local levels through the incorporation of new Core Strategies and relevant objectives from the RPGs into the local Development Plans.  The report indicates that the Regional Authorities will, over the coming months, adopt the following priorities in respect of the implementation of the RPGs, namely

(1) respond to any changes in governance that will be required by the implementation of Government policy regarding regional and local government reform;
(2) develop greater institutional buy-in from the key agencies such as IDA Ireland and relevant Government Departments;
(3) Identify key infrastructure investments that are required for the achievement of Government objectives and facilitate the implementation of these investments;
(4) review the RPGs in the light of emerging Government decisions regarding infrastructure; investments and consider whether changes in policies or priorities are required to respond to such decisions
(5) establish and commence the measurement of a robust set of indicators of achievement both regionally and nationally;
(6) complete the review of Development Plans to ensure consistency with the RPGs;
(7) continue to respond to policy and project proposals as required in the context of the RPGs; and
(8) review the implications of Census 2011 results for the current RPGs and evaluate the implications for future spatial and development planning in line with future NSS & NDP policies.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.