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Vischer AG
The demise of Credit Suisse in March 2023 led to a considerable loss of confidence in the Swiss financial market. On April 10, 2024, the Federal Council published its report...
Wenger Vieli AG
Berichterstattungspflichtige Schweizer Unternehmen mussten sich erstmals für das Geschäftsjahr 2023 intensiv mit der nichtfinanziellen Berichterstattung auseinandersetzen.
Wenger Vieli AG
The revised corporate law will enter into force and effect as of January 1, 2023.
Wenger Vieli AG
Der Aktienkauf ist in der Schweiz die bedeutendste Form des Unternehmenskaufs. Die gesetzliche Regelung ist jedoch in vielfacher Hinsicht unzureichend, weil es im Kaufrecht keine besonderen Bestimmungen zum Aktienkauf gibt.
Wenger Vieli AG
The landscape of distressed Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) in Switzerland presents a unique combination of opportunities and challenges.
Wenger Vieli AG
Learn more about the corporate law reform.
Staiger Attorneys at Law
On June 19, 2020, Swiss Parliament approved the revision of stock corporation law, which now entered into force on January 1, 2023.
Staiger Attorneys at Law
Stiftungsräte und Stiftungsrätinnen von gemeinnützigen Stiftungen können künftig für ihre Tätigkeit angemessen entlöhnt werden, ohne dass dies der Steuerbefreiung der Stiftung entgegensteht.
Bär & Karrer
On 15 March 2024, the Swiss government proposed an amendment to the Swiss Declaration on the 1970 Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil and Commercial Matters...
Swiss law requires big companies as of 2024 (reporting year 2025), to follow the recommendations of the Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures...
Ernst & Young AG
Private M&A Comparative Guide for the jurisdiction of Switzerland, check out our comparative guides section to compare across multiple countries
Loyens & Loeff
Numerous challenges, such as high inflation, rising interest rates, a strong Swiss franc, turbulences in the financial sector and the ongoing war in the...
Eversheds Sutherland
The association is the most basic form of legal entity under Swiss law. It allows any group of people to pool their resources together in pursuit of a specific goal.
Vischer AG
Much has already been written about the "AI Act" - critics see it as a regulatory monster, while its creators praise it as a shining example of global AI regulation that will promote innovation.
Lenz & Staehelin
On 4 March 2024, issuers of equity securities listed on SIX Swiss Exchange and their significant shareholders will be able to start using SIX's OLSDigital...
The Federal Supreme Court has ruled that the co-acquisition of employee housing can only take place without authorisation if it takes place at the same time as the acquisition...
Lindemann Law
Entrepreneurs today face complex challenges in the ever-evolving business landscape. The success and sustainability of their companies are heavily dependent on key factors like corporate governance...
Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd
On 1 February 2024, a revision of SIX Exchange Regulation ("SER") regulations on ad hoc publicity and management transactions will enter into force. The amendments relate mainly...
European Union
Despite the increasing digitalization and the facilitated virtual meetings via Teams & Co., business trips remain an integral part of the daily routine for many internationally working employees.
In Azerbaijan, companies must submit their foreign labor quota reports for 2025 to the state migration services online using the Azerbaijani e-visa signature...
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