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Staiger Attorneys at Law
Unser Mitarbeiter, RA Dr. Michael Lüdi, Fachanwalt SAV Erbrecht, setzt sich in der aktuellen Ausgabe der AJP (AJP 6/2023) mit dem Bundesgerichtsentscheid BGer 5A_90/2022, vom 11. November 2022 ...
Staiger Attorneys at Law
In the current issue of AJP (AJP 6/2023), our colleague, attorney Dr. Michael Lüdi, certified specialist SBA inheritance law, deals with the Federal Supreme Court decision BGer 5A_90/2022...
The loss of a loved one is associated with many emotions and challenges. In addition to coping emotionally with the personal loss, practical issues must also be clarified...
Facing one's own mortality and, consequently, engaging in personal estate planning is challenging for many. Nevertheless, we would like to illustrate why it is important...
Wenger Plattner
In its report «Modernization of Family Law» of 25 March 2015, the Swiss Federal Council noted that current family law does not adequately reflect social circumstances and also that the approximately hundred-year-old inheritance law ...
The consultation on the introduction of a Swiss trust showed that there was currently no majority support for the introduction of such a legal institution.
Schellenberg Wittmer Ltd
Today, the Swiss Parliament passed the revision of the Private International Law Act ("PILA"), which has been under discussion for several years.
Although we are all aware that the family is very important, especially in the context of assignments, it is often forgotten.
Pilatushof AG
Immer häufiger kommt es in der Schweiz zu Scheidungen. Um die Kosten einer Scheidung einschätzen zu können, muss zwischen einer Scheidung auf gemeinsames Begehren oder einer streitigen...
Pilatushof AG
Grundsätzlich hat die letztwillige Verfügung in eigenhändiger Form durch den Erblasser zu erfolgen.
Our core business is obtaining work permits for management transfers as well as for other foreign expatriates and other employees who want to work in Switzerland.
MLL Meyerlustenberger Lachenal Froriep Ltd
Private Client Comparative Guide for the jurisdiction of Switzerland, check out our comparative guides section to compare across multiple countries
Bär & Karrer
Das revidierte, modernisierte Schweizer Erbrecht ist am 1. Januar 2023 in Kraft getreten. Die Revision hat wichtige praktische Auswirkungen – auch in Bezug auf bestehende Erbverträge und Testamente.
Bär & Karrer
The new, modernised Swiss inheritance law came into force on 1 January 2023. The revision has important practical implications – also with regard to the existing inheritance contracts and last wills.
Lenz & Staehelin
Am 1. Januar 2023 wird der Pflichtteil von Kindern reduziert und der Pflichtteil von Eltern entfällt. Dies führt dazu, dass Erblasser neu über einen grösseren Teil ihres...
Logan & Partners
One's own demise is not a very happy prospect. But planning for it can give you peace of mind and make life easier for your family.
UPDATE on transfer of assets to the next generation - duty to support relatives in old age. The federal social security law (ELG) was revised as of 1 January 2021 and some important parameters have changed.
The Swiss Civil Code ("SCC") dates back to 1907: the social changes which occurred in the last decades deeply modified the structure of Swiss families.
OA Legal
When it comes to domestic cases, the Courts at the domicile of either spouse has mandatory jurisdiction over the divorce action, as well as application for interim measures.
An inheritance case may have foreign connections in many ways. For example, an EU national domiciled in Switzerland passes away, or a Swiss national domiciled in Asia dies in Singapore.
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