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ARK Advokatpartnerselskab
Østre Landsret afsagde med 9 dages mellemrum i starten af juni to interessante domme af henholdsvis 6. og 15. juni 2023 om påståede debitorers erstatningsansvar...
There are no Guernsey taxes or duties payable upon executing an aircraft or engine sale agreement (including for the sale of an ownership interest in an entity)...
Maples Group
The Finance (No.2) Act 2023 contained a number changes that aim to give clarity around areas including capital allowances and the calculation of profits for both lessors and lessees.
Whether there will be any VAT payable on the sale of an aircraft is determined by its physical location at the point of sale.
CMS Pasquier Ciulla Marquet Pastor Svara & Gazo
La conclusion d'un contrat de location-gérance offre de nombreux avantages au bailleur qui va ainsi pouvoir confier l'exploitation de son fonds à un tiers sans que ce dernier ne puisse prétendre...
CMS Pasquier Ciulla Marquet Pastor Svara & Gazo
The conclusion of a business leasing-management agreement ("gérance libre" in the Principality, under the terms of law n°546 of June 26, 1951) offers many benefits to the lessor.
Miran Legal
Günümüzde ticari hayat her geçen gün gelişmektedir. Ticari hayatın gelişmesinde rol oynayan en büyük etkenlerden biri ise uluslararası sözleşmelerdir.
Miran Legal
Today, commercial life is developing day by day. One of the biggest factors that play a role in the development of commercial life is international conventions.
Sakar Law Office
Türk hukukunda finansal kiralamaya (financial leasing) ilişkin daha önce ayrı bir mevzuat mevcut değilken, 1985 yılında 3226 sayılı Finansal Kiralama Kanunu'nun kabul edilmesiyle yasal zemin meydana getirilmiştir.
Sakar Law Office
While there was no separate legislation on financial leasing in Turkish law before, a legal basis was established with the adoption of the Financial Leasing Law No. 3226 in 1985.
MGC Legal
Finansal Kiralama Sözleşmesi hukukumuzda 6361 sayılı Finansal Kiralama, Faktoring, Finansman ve Finansman Şirketleri Kanunu (FFFTŞK) ile düzenlenmiş olup; tipik bir sözleşmedir.
Sakar Law Office
Kira sözleşmelerinin toplumun genelini ilgilendiren bir konu olması ve ülkemizde enflasyonun yüksek olması sebebiyle konut ve çatılı işyeri kiralarında kira bedelinin ve kira artış oranlarının ne şekilde belirleneceği her ...
Sakar Law Office
Due to the fact that lease agreements are of interest to the general public and the high inflation rate in our country, the determination of the increase rates of rental fees in residential and roofed workplace leases ...
Dikici Law Office
Aviation Finance Comparative Guide for the jurisdiction of Turkey, check out our comparative guides section to compare across multiple countries
Sakar Law Office
Sermaye Piyasası Kurulu 11. Kalkınma Planı ve 2021 Ekonomi Reformları Paketi ve Paris İklim Anlaşması kapsamında Yeşil Borçlanma Aracı, Sürdürülebilir Borçlanma Aracı , Yeşil Kira Sertifikası...
Sakar Law Office
Within the scope of the 11th Development Plan and 2021 Economic Reforms Package and the Paris Climate Agreement, the Capital Markets Board issued the Green Debt Instrument...
Sakar Law Office
Yukarıda bahsetmiş olduğumuz hükümler kira sözleşmesi bedelinin Türk Lirası olarak kararlaştırılması halinde...
Sakar Law Office
It is not possible to determine the contract price and other payment obligations arising from these agreements in foreign currency or indexed to foreign currency...
European Union
Mayer Brown
On 5 March 2024, the European Commission adopted a delegated regulation that will supplement the EU Securitisation Regulation with regulatory technical standards ("RTS") in relation to simple...
Norton Rose Fulbright
On 5 April 2023 the long-awaited draft amendment to Delegated Act EU 2021/2139 including draft technical screening criteria in Annex 1 (the Draft Delegated Act) was published by the European Commission.
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