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GRATA International
From 2024, the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of Kazakhstan is authorized to conduct currency control alongside the National Bank of Kazakhstan.
GRATA International
Ключевые слова: валютный контроль, валютный мониторинг, операции по выводу капитаl
GRATA International
С января 2024 года вводится III этап всеобщего декларирования в Республике Казахстан, в р
GRATA International
За последний год значительно...
Unicase Law Firm
In order to implement the Development Strategy of Kazakhstan until 2050 and create a welfare society based on a strong state, significant changes, additions and innovations are introduced...
GRATA International
В настоящее время в Комитете государственных доходов Министерства...
Unicase Law Firm
Financial lease is a common practice in Kazakhstan and is in high demand as it is a more favourable option for asset acquisition than making a straightforward purchase.
Unicase Law Firm
Финансовый лизинг является распространенной практикой в Казахстане и пользуетс&#
Unicase Law Firm
In everyday life, we all become, in one way or another, involved in civil law relationships, making verbal and written agreements.
Unicase Law Firm
В процессе осуществления...
Unicase Law Firm
Шаги открытия банковского счета нерезидентом
Unicase Law Firm
Opening A Bank Account In Kazakhstan As A Non-Resident
Unicase Law Firm
The Unicase team provides full assistance for opening an account by documents preparation, collection, coordination with the bank and advising on related issues.
Unicase Law Firm
Currently, the use of the enforcement inscription by a notary is increasing. This mechanism not only significantly reduces the costs of the claimant, but also allows the procedure to be expedited...
GRATA International
This article examines PPP development in Kazakhstan from 1991 to the time of writing. Article reviews evolution of the PPP legislation and approaches used to develop a PPP-enabling environment in order to draw lessons...
Unicase Law Firm
A performance bond is issued to one party of a contract as a guarantee against the failure of the other party to meet the obligations specified in the contract.
GRATA International
Настоящий меморандум подготовлен по запросу Ассоциации участников Mastercard в рамках ан
Unicase Law Firm
В современных условиях, где стремительно выражен рост развития предпринимательс&
GRATA International
Если заинтересованы в выходе на новый рынок, реструктуризации своего нынешнего би
GRATA International
If you are interested in establishing a presence in a new market, restructuring your current operations, or expanding the geographical coverage of your business, the jurisdictions of Caucasus...
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