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Recent trends in Canadian dispute resolution include increased use of e-discovery technology, inroads by third party litigation funders and attempts to streamline court processes to reduce delays. Litigation counsel to businesses and financial institutions with interests in Canada will appreciate the insights of Stikeman Elliott's Sam Hosseini and Zev Smith in this Q&A-style publication in Thomson Reuters' Practical Law series.

Topics discussed include:

  • Structure of Canada's court system;
  • Stages of a court proceeding;
  • Class proceedings;
  • Limitation periods;
  • Third-party funding;
  • Summary judgments and injunctions;
  • Attachment orders;
  • Norwich and Anton Piller orders;
  • Law of evidence and documentary privilege;
  • Examination of witnesses and use of experts;
  • Appeals;
  • Rules relating to costs;
  • Alternative dispute resolution.

In the area of cross-border litigation, the article considers Canadian rules on choice of law and jurisdiction as well as enforcement of foreign judgments.

We are pleased to be able to make this 31-page publication available for downloading.

MISE EN GARDE : Cette publication a pour but de donner des renseignements généraux sur des questions et des nouveautés d'ordre juridique à la date indiquée. Les renseignements en cause ne sont pas des avis juridiques et ne doivent pas être traités ni invoqués comme tels. Veuillez lire notre mise en garde dans son intégralité au www.stikeman.com/avis-juridique.

The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.