In the media

Temporary Visa Holders: know your work rights!
The Government is rolling out improvements to visa grant notices across a range of temporary visas, with notices to students and temporary graduates to be updated next. The Government has also launched a new Pay And Conditions Tool (PACT) so workers can easily check their pay rates (10 September 2015). More...

Personal Income of Migrants, Australia, Experimental, 2009-10
?Migrants generated $38 billion in total income in 2009-10. Personal Income of Migrants, Experimental, Australia, presents detailed information on the sources of personal income that migrants received for the 2009-10 financial year from the Personal Income Tax and Migrants Integrated Dataset (PITMID). (04 September 2015). More...

Humanitarian migrants the most entrepreneurial: ABS report
Humanitarian migrants were the most entrepreneurial while skilled migrants generated the most income in 2009-2010, according to figures released for the first time by the ABS today. Migrants generated $38 billion in total income in 2009-10. Almost two-thirds (63 per cent) of migrant taxpayers were Skilled, 28 per cent were Family migrants and 4 per cent were Humanitarian migrants (04 September 2015). More...

MIA: 7-Eleven shows why overseas workers need more help with understanding their employment rights
The Migration Institute of Australia welcomes the recent investigation and legal action being taken by the Fair Work Ombudsman into 7-Eleven franchisees. Some 7-Eleven franchisees have allegedly been severely underpaying their workers, many of whom are here on international student visas says MIA National President Angela Chan FMIA (01 September 2015). More...

In practice and courts and publishing

Improving rural livelihoods with the Seasonal Workers Programme
House of Representatives - 8/09/15 - The current and future workforce requirements for sectors that may benefit from seasonal workers will be investigated in upcoming public hearings in Canberra. Federal Parliament's Joint Standing Committee on Migration will continue its inquiry into the Seasonal Worker Programme (SWP) when it holds public hearings in Canberra on the 9th and 16th September 2015.

DIBP: No more visa labels for Australian visa holders
From 1 September 2015 visa holders will no longer be able to request and pay for a visa label. Visa holders can access their visa record through the free Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) service or the myVEVO mobile.

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